Social Media - If You Build It, Will they Come???

 Social networking, widgets, video sharing, and user generated content are incredibly effective in expanding audience engagement. However, social media marketing must be engaged fully to experience full results. Creating and deploying social media without a concerted commitment to making the community thrive is an exercise in futility.

Below are a few steps to help you get fully immersed in the exciting world of social media marketing:

1. Identify your Community's Topic

Building a community that is not focused on a specific topic can result in plenty of traffic but not targeted traffic. "Drive-by" traffic is not an effective revenue generating technique. Focusing on a specific topic makes it easier for you to define a like-minded audience interested in what you have to say and who will more likely contribute to the community. It is only by communicating with your target audience and focusing on understanding their likes and dislikes that you can build a valuable identity that is likely to attract more people.

2. Host a Party

Don't make the mistake of trying to control your community. Instead think of it as a party where you've invited others. Put your energy into setting the tone of the party and enhancing the community experience. Be active. Be hands-on. Be patient. But most important, be there to communicate.

3. Choose the Right Platform

Because of the social media phenomena, new web technologies have exploded. The key is in knowing which platform is right for you. Try and determine which social media features align with your unique objectives. Try to estimate how your goals are likely to change and evolve over time. Is your platform scalable? What's required to launch and maintain the forum? How much will it cost in terms of both money and time? The social media movement, while popular in the short term, requires a longer term view.

4. Promote your Community

Now that you've built your community, what do you do? Just like any product, you need to raise awareness about and within your community. Traditional marketing and PR would have you focus on advertising and press releases.

Don't resort to outdated marketing methods to promote leading edge social media forums.

Focus on grassroots marketing. How? Engage in other social media outlets. Setup a blog. Comment on other blogs. Your efforts will pay off if you provide a reliable and though-provoking atmosphere.

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