How To Increase MySpace Music Plays
Since MySpace has become such a huge success, it has become a great place to find new talent in the music industry. If you are an artist who has a MySpace Music page, you know how important your profile is to promotion your music on MySpace. One of the key elements to promoting music on MySpace is how high your profile ranks on the charts of other MySpace artists. The more that your profile views increase, and the more your music increases in plays, the higher you rank and the more attention you receive. This is one of the biggest secrets many successful models and musicians have been using for the last few years. MySpace takes a song plays daily average hit count to determine artist's chart positions. This is very much like the Billboard charts. Unfortunately, getting your profile views and song plays to increase dramatically can be a real nuisance, especially if you are having trouble adding friends. However, I can teach you how to increase MySpace music plays quickly and effic...